She placed herself in front of Harry and Voldemort and her love and sacrifice were what gave Harry his protection. If re-imaginings of the acclaimed series that answer all the "What ifs" sound like heaven, you'll probably find yourself lost in the digital labyrinth that is Harry Potter fan fiction. Born a Metamorphmagus (someone with the magical power to change their appearance), Nymphadora Tonks was an Auror for the Ministry of Magic and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Though as both godfather and godson are stubborn, we think that discussion would have been quite heated. When Dean is pushed into this extraordinary world there is only one who he has eyes for. Losing her muggle mother early on as a casualty of the wizarding war, Abigail is raised dutifully by the very young, freshly graduated Marauders. Lucius was educated at Hogwarts, where he was made a prefect in Slytherin House. "I figure you need a friend this year," Malfoy started in my ear softly the second that conversation started up around us. fanfiction; alanrickman; romance . Goyle tried to kill Ron by casting a Fiendfyre spell, lighting the room in an uncontrollable blaze. Throughout his adult life, Snape was working as a double agent as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and one of Voldemort's most trusted Death Eaters. So while it's nearly impossible to give kudos to every amazing story out there inspired by Rowling's words, I hope this list of some of the best Harry Potter fan fiction will lead you on a path to finding what's right for you. Theo is the quiet kid in school, no one knows much about. Wellit is. I can't stand the way he looks at me with those eyes that set my skin on fire. After Snape's death, we learn his tragic backstory revealing that Snape was working for Dumbledore all along. A Beauty and the Veela tale, with a twist. He also led a large group of Death Eaters who killed many of the main characters and fought for pureblood-wizard supremacy over Muggles. Draco is not supposed to be able to stand Granger, the one person he was always told was filth under his shoe. All they need? Have I given enough? Dobby was a house-elf who used to work for the Malfoy family. Sirius was the closest thing Harry had to family, and they'd even talked about living together one day. Not to them. So, the Potters went into hiding under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. The weaselettes squeaks will stop soon enough, we have all we need.. These Harry Potter "what-if" scenarios created by fans could have changed everything. #4 in fanfiction (April 2021) Then there is the secrecy surrounding the Horcruxes themselves. Cause of Death: Voldemort realized that the thief who stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch was Grindelwald, and therefore he was once an owner of the all-powerful wand. Fred Weasley and his girlfriend have proved to be inseparable from the very start. Sirius Black's brother, Regulus Black, was a Slytherin at Hogwarts and a Death Eater for much of his adult life. Peter was taken in by the Weasleys and for twelve years lived with them as Scabbers. But Harry is drawn to the baby under the bench. On a day off you'll find her curled up with a new juicy romance novel. But how does she prove him wrong time and time again? An odd Patronus tells them they must read each book and fix the future; how will people react? The ghost of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago, Moaning Myrtle could be found haunting the second-floor girls' bathroom at Hogwarts. As we know in Prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius made Harry a tentative offer of coming to live with him once his name had been cleared which Harry was more than thrilled about. And how will she react to Pansy's dark mark? While we do know that Lupins request to join Harry, Ron and Hermione was turned down, we think it could have been different if it was Sirius who had asked. We don't learn much about the wandmaker, but he didn't have much information to offer Voldemort and he didn't deserve to die. He split his soul into seven fragments called Horcruxes that could've allowed him to live forever if they weren't destroyed. Pansy was supposed to marry the richest guy in school, but what if she falls in love with the other blond in school? So where exactly do you go when searching for more of the fantastic universe introduced to us by The Boy Who Lived? While trying to climb to safety, Goyle fell into the fire and died. He was responsible for taking Harry and Hagrid to the vaults in the first movie, and he played a key role in breaking the trio into Gringotts in the eighth movie. It goes about how you would expect. Especially if Fudge hadnt hailed Snape as a hero, promised him an Order of Merlin, then backtracked when Sirius vanished. A retelling of Harry Potter from the Slytherin's perspective. Cause of Death: During the battle in the Department of Mysteries, the members of the Order of the Phoenix fought Voldemort and his Death Eaters to protect Harry and his friends. Death Eater and Snatcher Scabior was the wizard who found and captured Harry, Hermione, and Ron and brought them to Malfoy Manor to face the Death Eaters in the seventh film. Tonks was killed alongside her new husband and they both left behind a newborn son, making her death especially tragic. Please consider turning it on! Hermione gave him a small glare, which he ignored. Scabior didn't display any redeeming qualities and he was a prime Death Eater in Voldemort's army. However, because of Lupins transformation and Pettigrews escape, Sirius remained a wanted fugitive. For his entire life, he harbored a deep love for Lily and when she was murdered by Voldemort, he promised to protect Harry and fight the Dark Lord. It had been exactly two years on this day since the historic battle of Hogwarts. -------------------------------------------OR---------------------------------------------------------Harry Potter ensemble go back in time to their parents' last year in Hogwarts, with the Harry Potter books. His death was the beginning of many more to come and was extra tragic because Mundungus Fletcher betrayed him. This was the only time Black successfully broke into the tower. Two years. Charity's death was a gruesome one. Dumbledore was beloved by those at Hogwarts and most of the Wizarding World, and it was devastating for Harry to lose another parental figure after experiencing so much loss throughout his life. There would be no way that Voldemort would suspect snivelling Peter. Nevertheless, Lily refused. If Harry were to stick to Dumbledores rules, it would be highly awkward to have Sirius tagging along with no real understanding of what they were doing. It wasn't shown on-screen during the film, but we see the aftermath of her body lying next to Lupin's in the Great Hall. If he had managed to trick Harry using a different person or scenario to lure him, we think the battle would still have occurred. First introduced as the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Alastor Moody was an Auror and leading member of the Order of the Phoenix. 'I can't stand you,' I say breathlessly. Harry fell for it hook, line and sinker and went to save his godfather. The couple trusted only Peter Pettigrew with their whereabouts, but he betrayed their loyalty by telling the Dark Lord. Enjoy. Harry would have been able to confirm with Sirius that he was safe, realised that Voldemort was tricking him and may have even been startled into working a bit harder at Occlumency. While we would have liked them to, we cant help but believe it would never have come to pass. Alicia is keeping an extra eye on he. She and her older brothers grew . Flying to the safety of an old Black Cottage, he keeps her locked away from harm, all while trying to convince her that not only does he no longer hold any blood prejudice, but without her love he will only further devolve into a beastly form, losing his humanity forever. He became friends with many other pure-blood students and, according to Sirius Black joined a group of friends that included many future Death Eaters like; Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, Evan Rosier, and Severus Snape. Cause of Death: Dobby was alerted by Dumbledore's brother that Harry and his friends were trapped in Malfoy Manor. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. I would have expected more from you. He grabbed her wrists tightly and spun her so shed be trapped up against the door. She is a resurrected soul, and this is now her third rebirth. Goyle spent all of his Hogwarts years bullying other students and then swiftly sided with Voldemort during the uprising. And that's only the beginning. When reading this story, you will have to have the appropriate book beside you. #2 in tomriddle (March 2021) The son of Amos Diggory, Cedric was a Hufflepuff who was selected to represent Hogwarts in the Triwizard Tournament. Scrimgeour was tasked with fulfilling Dumbledore's will and gave Harry, Ron, and Hermione the items that he left them after his death. And as a longtime fanfic reader, I'm here to tell you, fans of The Boy Who Lived are an incredibly imaginative bunch. Now that child is an orphan and will never know his parents. No one in 2020 would ever believe something, magical, extraordinary, right? He's a man of few words." Sirius noted. Fridge Logic. All imagines written by me! Audiences don't learn much about Regulus, but it's a big blow when they realize the locket that Harry and Dumbledore found (right before Dumbledore's death) isn't the real Horcrux. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. But if Sirius hadnt been stuck at Grimmauld Place and had been able to communicate with Harry more easily and openly, this misunderstanding may never have occurred. If everything goes as it should, Harry will be able to step back into the battle and defeat Voldemort once and for all for the sake of the Wizarding World. i own all original characters and plots created by me; other than that, all credit goes to j.k rowling. As an adult, Lucius was an aristocratic wizard and patriarch of the Malfoy family, believing . He was always reluctant to involve anyone he loved in anything dangerous. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. She loves a great Oprah viral moment and all things Netflixbut come summertime, Big Brother has her heart. Fans might feel sorry for Quirrell because Voldemort was taking advantage of him, but at the time of his death, he was trying to kill an 11-year-old student for the Dark Lord. This might have meant Sirius could not come along. ~First set in prisoner of azkaban As we found out later in the series, Voldemort extended this offer after Snape pleaded with him to spare the life of the woman he had always loved. It also happened to be a full moon that night and Lupin transformed into a werewolf. One day, while in Azkaban, Sirius asked Cornelius Fudge for his newspaper and saw a photo of Scabbers (aka Peter). -*~ I TAKE REQUESTS ~*- please request and I will try my b (Y/n) Sylferth. Determine to change what she has seen, she gathers the original Order of the Phoenix, and a few others, to read these books aloud over the next several days, cooped up in the Hog's Head bar. So, in some ways it makes sense that he would accompany them on their journey. "Battle over. He then sped off down into the sewers to hide. Fast forward to the last day at Hogwarts. No es el libro exacto del canon, lo cambiar a mi gusto. He murdered her with the Killing Curse and then let his snake eat her body. Griphook got a hold of the sword early and alerted the other goblins of their presence, betraying their deal. He was best friends with Draco Malfoy and Vincent Crabbe, and they terrorized Harry, Ron, and Hermione throughout their time at Hogwarts. Colin was an enthusiastic, 16-year-old Muggle-born who was just excited about his new life as a wizard at Hogwarts. .css-9cezh6{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#E61957;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-9cezh6:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}We all want more of Harry Potter beyond the seven novel series dreamed up by J.K. Rowling and the timeless eight film blockbuster franchise. With a chance of revenge Umbridge is about to get more than expected.~~~~~Or a Harry Potter characters read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone story. However, it was noble of Grindelwald to conceal the Elder Wand's location and sacrifice his life to prevent Voldemort from growing even stronger. I suck at writing summaries. How do you go from being the most sophisticated girl in school to being one of the most dangerous death eaters? He formed a special bond with Harry during his time at Hogwarts and helped him figure out how to ultimately defeat Voldemort. None dead." "Typical Mad-Eye. The Battle of Sirius was a decisive conflict fought a long time ago beetwen the Sirians and Emperor Gruumm's Troobian Empire. These imagines are x female reader unless otherwise marked! After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. Seems like everyone is obsessed with Y/N Dixon. He was previously a Muggle Studies professor at the school, but he took a year-long sabbatical to travel the world in search of what was left of Voldemort (after Harry first defeated him as a baby). 11 August 1981), occasionally known as Gin by Harry Potter, was an English pure-blood witch, the only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley (ne Prewett), and the younger sister of Bill, Charlie, Percy, the late Fred, George and Ron. "Well, I can't imagine anyone else stepping up willingly, honestly." Will their feelings of hatred turn into something unexpected? It's made even more tragic when Harry brings his lifeless body back to Hogwarts and we witness Amos' heart-wrenching reaction to losing his only son. As empiezan la aventura de conocer la vida del adolescente con muchos secretos , tragedias y todo envuelto en un gran corazn que rivaliza en tamao con su complejo de hroe. Abigail, however, has a very big secret she is keeping from them. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Known for being one of the most powerful Dark Wizards, Gellert Grindelwald and Dumbledore were close friends as teenagers, and the pair plotted to find all the Deathly Hallows (including the Elder Wand) together. Be trapped up against the door the baby under the bench juicy romance novel falls in with! A very Big secret she is keeping from them of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago Moaning. The protection of the Fidelius Charm, magical, extraordinary, right backtracked when Sirius vanished a fugitive! Secret she is keeping from them 's dark mark the sewers to hide down into the fire and.... Well, I ca n't stand the way he looks at me with those eyes that set skin! Of her old friend, Harry especially if Fudge hadnt hailed Snape as a hero, him. Ghost of a Ravenclaw student from many years ago, Moaning Myrtle be! Asked Cornelius Fudge for his newspaper and saw a photo of Scabbers ( aka )! 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sirius at the battle of hogwarts fanfiction